The Journey & Skill Assessment 🏹

The Journey & Skill Assessment 🏹
The Journey and Skill Assessment
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Feb 21, 2022
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I continue on my journey from restaurant professional to freelancer who provides website, design, and other services to restaurants, as well as to a small, growing list of tech-based companies.
The last two years since I fully left the industry have been fun, challenging, scary, exciting, and every other adjective. Depends on the week. I enjoy the challenges and the learning I need to maintain to succeed.
Now, the next leg of the journey — the first half of 2022 — is to see where I fit in and where I am valuable in tech/startups, as an employee, as a founder/entrepreneur, and as a freelancer.
I am open to all three. They all make sense and intrigue me.
My hypothesis is that the soft skills forged while working in restaurants give me, and others like me, some real value in a world that is increasingly in need of soft skills. Tech skills can be taught.
So, this weekend I started doing some skill assessment. I started to create a database of skills that I have and would like to have. So I know what I want to do and what I need to improve on.
I ranked each skill I could think of like this:
0️⃣ ignoramus (No knowledge at all. One YouTube video does not count)
1️⃣ novice (Just getting the basics down, but have critical knowledge gaps)
2️⃣ = amateur (I can get the job done, but still have knowledge gaps)
3️⃣ = professional (Spoiler alert: I have no skills that are professional-level, outside of soft skills)
In a future newsletter, on Twitter, or via my shared personal notes, I will share the database of my skills.
For now, enjoy this photo of when I was happily writing my skills down on index cards — my favorite way to draft ideas. Then, in my writing bliss, I lifted my phone and the still-attached power cord knocked my coffee over.
Coffee Handling Skills 0️⃣
Photo of my desk with flash cards marked with Skills I have or would like to have and the coffee I was drinking spilled on the cards.
Photo of my desk with flash cards marked with Skills I have or would like to have and the coffee I was drinking spilled on the cards.

That’s it. Thanks for reading.

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Oh. One more thing…

Be easy on yourself. Jobs are hard. Business is hard. Work is hard. Life is hard.

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John Guerra
John Guerra

I am a thinker, designer, developer, maker/breaker, and writer at John at Work ⚒️.

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